What you will need:
- Weighted Bar
- Box
- Rower
Cardio : Weight Baring
Everything is 3 minutes total. Cardio will be done straight through for 3 minutes and the weight baring exercise will be broken up per minute.
3 minutes 3 minutes: 1 minute per exercise
Goal: 750 meters Chest Press, Squat Row, Bicep Curls
Jump Rope Weighted Bar
Goal: 300 Shoulder Press, Tricep Extension, Row
Suicide Run Body Weight
Goal: 6 Plank, Right Side Plank, Left Side Plank
Box Jumps Box
Goal: 60 Decline Push-ups, Dips, Toe Taps
Goal for the weight baring exercises are to do as many as you can in one minute. Give yourself a minute in between your weight baring exercise and your new cardio workout. Only give yourself 30 seconds between the cardio and the weight baring exercises.
This is a great workout that will get your heart pumping!