Monday, August 12, 2013


I feel like I should set a theme up of what this blog should be about.

I think while writing out this so called "theme" I am in turn explaining it to myself as well. I think I will start out with explaining the title of the blog. The Wholesome Mermaid. The definition of wholesome is "conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being." The word mermaid to me is an important one because I have been called one my whole life. Or I have been called part-fish. Which is practically the same thing. So, if you know me I have been competitively swimming since I was 4 years old and it has been "part" of my life ever since.

The love of swimming helped me develop myself into a well-rounded healthy person. While swimming through adolescence it carried me though college as well. Throughout college I fell in love with the science of exercise and nutrition. The result was a bachelors of science degree from College of Charleston in Physical Education with a concentration in Health Promotion.

So I guess I can say that the "theme" of this blog shall be multiple things...
