Monday, August 26, 2013

Boot Camp 3 - Partner Workout

This is a workout that I have done in the past. I have been on vacation and my parents have been visiting as well, so I have missed out on 3 workouts. I can not wait to get back into the groove of things!

This one is done with a partner. Of course you can do this alone as well.

Every partner does each exercise listed under each letter. While the one partner is doing the transient workout the other partner is doing the stationary workout until the other partner comes back. This workout was done on a basket ball court. Starting on the outside line to opposite line and back.

**As fast as you can, 2-3 times through depending on how froggy you feel**

Partner 1 (P1): Walking lunges
Partner 2 (P2): Plank

P1: Bear Crawl
P2: Squat Hold

P1: Frog Jump
P2: Side plank switch between left and right

P1: Reverse Sumo walk
P2: Push-ups

I really enjoy doing partner work outs. It really pushes you to work harder and faster so that your partner doesn't suffer while you do your workout.

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